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Month 1

Introduce the concept of Positive Leadership Capacities.

Carry out Activity 1 in team or group format (could be included as part of staff meeting time).


Activity 1

Reflecting on Positive Leadership


Month 2

Present the five Positive Leadership Capacities.

Watch the video in group or team format. Encourage personnel to review the eBook after watching the video

Positive Leadership Practices
(Video + eBook)

Month 3

Identify personal strengths and areas of development related to Positive Leadership Capacities

Complete the Positive Leadership Inventory (Self-score) and carry out Activity 2 in team or group format (could be included as part of staff meeting time).

Activity 2

Assessing Positive Leadership Capacities and Positive Leadership Inventory (Self-Score)

Month 4

Introduce guidelines related to Positive Communication in the workplace.

Watch the video in group or team format. Encourage personnel to review the eBook after watching the video


Positive Communication in the Workplace (Video + eBook)

Month 5

Encourage the use of Positive Communication practices.

Carry out Activity 3 in team or group format (could be included as part of staff meeting time).

Activity 3

Guidelines for Positive Communication Practices

Month 6

Introduce Emotional Intelligence Competencies.

Watch the video in group or team format. Encourage personnel to review the eBook after watching the video.


Emotional Intelligence (Video + eBook)

Month 7

Identify personal strengths and areas of development related to Emotional Intelligence skills

Complete the Emotional Skills Inventory and carry out Activity 4 in team or group format (could be included as part of staff meeting time).

Activity 4

Examining Emotional Intelligence Skills and Emotional Intelligence Skills Inventory

Month 8

Introduce Stages of Team Development and strategies for fostering team development.

Watch the video in group or team format. Encourage personnel to review the eBook after watching the video.


Building Positive Team Development (Video + eBook)

Month 9

Present steps for applying Strength-based Problem-solving strategies.

Watch the video in group or team format. Encourage personnel to review the eBook after watching the video.

Module Strength-based Problem Solving (Video + eBook)

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